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Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Makassarese sports Ferformance

Makassar has potential in the promising field of sport and no less terrible to the other regions, one in soccer. Makassar, with squad named PSM and nicknamed the team Juku Eja. This squad has a team with four levels of the U-15, U-18, U-21, and the senior team. In addition, fans who always support a football team in makassar called The Machs man. Now this middle PSM was raised by a coach named Tumpak Sihite with assistant Tony Ho.
PSM is now following the Indonesian Super League that runs in the second round. And recently had to revamp the players by including five foreign players, namely Alejandro Pena, Osvaldo Moreno, and also players from South Korea, namely Shin Hyun Joon, Park Jung-Hwan and Joo Ki Hwan. These foreign squad reshuffle brought fundamental changes in the team game epithet Juku Eja team. This was proved by PSM 2-1 victory over North Jakarta Persitara in advanced Indonesian Super League (LSI) 2009/2010 on the Stadium Soemantri Brodjonegoro and goals were created by new striker PSM Park Jung-Hwan on the 12th and 89th minutes. And this is also a stumbling block to Persela Lamongan who wants to rise in their Stadium victory.

PSM in the near future will follow Indonesia in 2010 is precisely the cup starts on April 26, 2010. PSM Makassar in Group H along Persiwa Wamena, Persiram Raja Ampat and home team Persipura Jayapura But this time more serious event than the previous events because the PSM should be playing in Papua, which requires funding of Rp. 350 million, most of the funds for accommodation and transportation costs .

"If the PSM was in another group, then the costs can be pushed lower, than if you had to play in Jayapura, Papua," said spokesman PSM Nurmal Idrus. However, PSM managers Hendra Sirajuddin said it was ready to follow Indonesia in spite of trophies must appear in Papua need high cost. "We never had any intention to withdraw from the Cup of Indonesia, such as the issue that says that if the BLI group rejected the proposed move, the PSM will be back," he said. Hendra said that preparations for the Cup for Indonesia, PSM management will hold as lenders, Bank of South Sulawesi.

Director of Bank of South Sulawesi Elong Tjandra said it had received proposals PSM management, but until now have not given a definite answer. BLI release distribution Indonesian Cup in 2010 consisting of group A Sriwijaya FC, PSPs, Semen Padang and Persikabo. Group B, Persela, Persija, Persikab, and Persiba Bantul.Grup C, Pelita Jaya, Persib, Persipasi and Persitara. Group D, Persik Kediri,Persitara,Persibo and PSBI.

Group E consists of, Arema, Persijap, Deltras and PSMP. Group F, Persebaya, Persema, Persipro and Persidafon. And group G inhabited Persisam, Bontang FC, Persiba, and Persemalra Halmahera.

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